The perils of Typhoon Odette highlighted a major issue commonly overlooked today: poor access to sanitary products and its effect on plastic pollution. A total of 376,719 persons were pre-emptively evacuated to 2,861 evacuation centers in the aftermath of Typhoon Odette. Half of them were women and girls who needed to be supplied with menstrual hygiene products.
Did you know: Sanitary pads rank fifth on the list of ocean plastic litter? To address this concern, the EcoWings PH livelihood team prepared hundreds of EcoWings and EcoLiners washable pads for those affected by Typhoon Odette. The preparation included pre-washing and packaging, so that they were ready to be used in the evacuation centers.
Thank you to everyone who helped prepare EcoWings washable menstrual kits, to those who donated detergent, and to Save the Children Philippines for coordinating the distribution! Project Propel's Program Manager, Ms. May Baez was also invited to the Save the Children's Partners Meeting on August 19, 2022 in Pasay, Metro Manila where all partners, donors were given special recognition for their respective contributions.
Project Propel has embarked on an important advocacy for the environment and reproductive health by promoting REUSABLE EcoWings and EcoLiners

Together we can do more for the health of our communities and for our planet!